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I started DJ'ing 10 years ago. Back i did not knew who AM was. A day, after djing for about one or two years, i was looking for a wonderwall remix. I saw the video from LAX where AM shows his wonderwall routine to a fan. i was already on serato cause i was video djing in the club. after that video i was hoocked to start spinning on 12s.. i started doing that while i was lising to am's mixtapes.. Today AM still is the biggest inspiration for my DJ career.
I started DJ'ing 10 years ago. Back i did not knew who AM was. A day, after djing for about one or two years, i was looking for a wonderwall remix. I saw the video from LAX where AM shows his wonderwall routine to a fan. i was already on serato cause i was video djing in the club. after that video i was hoocked to start spinning on 12s.. i started doing that while i was lising to am's mixtapes.. Today AM still is the biggest inspiration for my DJ career.